It is said that life is a mysterious journey! Exactly this was my experience, on 27th January 2016, when something unexpected happened in my life. It was a very humbling experience for me to be elected as the National President of SDFI. For a moment, I stood still not knowing how and where to begin. Then I heard a whisper from within. “Commit your works unto the Lord, and your thoughts shall be established.” (Proverbs 16.3) Trusting in these words, I said “Yes” as I accepted this new responsibility.
Glancing back to the short duration of 2 years, I can vividly see the guiding hand of the Divine Healer leading SDFI, as it grows steadily and moves forward. It fills me with immense satisfaction and contentment to be at the service of SDFI.
The new project – December 2016: I began my tenure by takmg up a new project – Prevention of cancers in women through screening and early detection.
FCRA approval – July 2017: It was a moment of joy, relief and gratitude as we received the good news of FCRA approval after five long years of waiting period. The whole credit goes to Sr. Dr. Lucian SCC, our Past President, and Mr. Roger Cyril who worked incessantly to obtain it. With gratitude I place on record their hard work, patience and deep trust in the Lord.
23rd National Conference & AGBM – April 2017: It was held in St. Pius X Seminary, Goregaon, Mumbai. It was a memorable event as this Conference set a new benchmark with 225 delegates, 35 Resource persons and various academic and cultural events. The Organizing Committee – the Western Region Sister Doctors, put in all efforts to attain this new standard. I experienced the Divine Providence through many generous benefactors, donors and sponsors who helped me to raise the necessary fund to organize it. The conference theme ‘Reaching the Unreached’ was very apt for all the participants, who returned filled with fresh energy and enthusiasm.
Women’s Cancer Awareness and Prevention Camp from August 2017: Following the conference, the Sister Doctors have maintained this tempo during the remaining part of the year and this is evidenced by the largest outreach programme of Cancer Awareness and Prevention Camp throughout India covering a large population of approximately twenty five thousand women.
Revival and Re-launch of Eastern Region – November 2017: Due to the geographical distance and lack of modem facilities the north east region needed a quick attention to revitalise it. Sr. Dr. Sherly Abraham agreed to take the lead to unite the Sister Doctors of seven states comprising of Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh Manipur, Tripura and Sikkim. Thanks to Sr. Sherly fo; shouldering this responsibility.
The Silver Jubilee year 2018 and Activities
2nd Edition of SDFI Directory: It was almost a decade ago the first Directory of Sister Doctors Forum of India was released. There has been a lot of changes in the last few years. Preparation of the 2nd edition of SDFI Directory was another herculean task. I consider it as my privilege to release it on 27th January 2018 on the occasion of the silver jubilee celebration. A big note of thanks to all the Board Members and especially to Mr. Cyril Roger and Mrs. Freda Desouza for their tireless support to complete this work.
Updating of SDFI Website-www.sisterdoctorsindia.org: It is yet another dream come true. This venture was carried out a a part of the silver jubilee year program. The updated website has become more user friendly and is more informative. I am grateful to Sr. Dr. Ashreena Miranda MSA for her keen interest to make it a reality before the Jubilee day Celebration.
The Silver Jubilee Celebration, 24th National Conference & AGBM – Jan 2018: Held in St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, is another feather in the cap for all the Sister Doctors, who go above and beyond their call of duty to serve some of our country’s most vulnerable and hard-to-reach communities. We have entered into the Silver Jubilee era counting on all the glories and discounting the hurdles in our path. The Conference with the theme, “Recent Advances in Diagnostics and Pharmacotherapeutics,” is organized in collaboration with St. John’s Medical College Alumni Association. The scientific committee has designed four workshops and two orations and other exciting scientific deliberations, thus aiming to update the delegates on the latest trends.
The Sister Doctor Mary Glowrey Memorial Oration: As part of the Silver Jubilee celebration, the organising committee has launched this new initiative as a mark of honour and tribute to Sister Doctor Mary Glowrey, who was a visionary, leader and role model for all us Sister Doctors. Rev. Dr. Mathew CSsR, MD – Director General, CHAI, who is also an associate member of SDFI, was unanimously chosen by the board members to deliver the first Sister Doctor Mary Glowrey Memorial Oration on this occasion.
Jubilee Year Special Programs and Future Plans:
- Arranging focussed workshops for skilled development.
- Organizing a Nationwide camp and Awareness creation campaign to prevent Lifestyle associated diseases.
- A pilgrimage to Holy Land and Holy City.
- Registration of SDFI as a Society.
- Expansion of SDFI office
None of this would have been possible without the active participation of my pillars – the SDFI Board Members. Kudos to them for the excellent teamwork. A Salute to each and every Sister Doctor, for reaching out with selfless healthcare to the needy and the remote comers of our great Nation. I would like to conclude with the following quote.
“In a person’s lifetime there may be not more than half a dozen occasions that he can look back to in the certain knowledge that right then, at that moment, there was room for nothing but happiness in his heart.” Ernestine Gilbreth Carey
It is indeed a great experience for me. Thank you.