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Message from the President
On the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of the Sister Doctors Forum of lndia (SDFI), I extend to each one of you my warmest congratulations and prayerful wishes.
It is indeed an eventful milestone in the history of SDFI, which has had its humble beginnings a quarter of a century ago on 5th June 1993 with 450 members. Glancing back over the past 25 years, there is every reason to rejoice and pray with the Psalmist, ‘The Lord has done great things for me, holy is his name .” I lack words to express my thanks to God for the myriad of ways he has led the SDFI right from its inception till date.
It is with a deep sense ofreverence and gratitude that I pay my tribute to our founding President- Sr. Dr. Lillian JMJ, the previous Presidents – Sr. Drs. Hermina SSA, late Lina HCM, Lucian SCC and Board Members, who sowed the seeds for the growth of SDFI. Their relentless hard work, generosity and leadership has yielded rich dividends and SDFI can now be proud of its present membership of 1000 Sister Doctors.

Sr. Dr. Blanch Ancintha Rosario FDCC,
National President, SDFI.
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